About Us


I worked as a dialysis nurse 14 years. After having children, it was time for a career change. Established in 2010, selling on Etsy, I opened a small business located in Wesley Chapel, Florida. Best decision ever! Started as a full-service retail sign shop, I am currently a full-time handmade seller & love my job! I handle all things from designing, listing, production, packing & everything in between. My parents have a cattle ranch, raising beef cows, and why my love for all things cowgirl/cowboy inspired began! It is where many product photos are taken! Southern/Country/Vintage/Cowgirl Style


The Stenciled Barn: https://www.TheStenciledBarn.etsy.com

TSB Apparel:  https://www.TSBapparel.etsy.com 

Thank you for shopping!

Stephanie Aebi